Car insurance
Car insurance is dual protection
Why you must purchase a car insurance?
First because it’s mandatory, but above all because by insuring your vehicle, you can protect yourself and those around you! Indeed, it is always possible that you get involved in an accident even if you drive carefully because you just can’t predict the behavior of others. In this sense, as monassuranceauto.org points out, having car insurance is important, and that’s not all : it must be meticulously chosen!

At the very moment you take possession of a vehicle, you must have signed an insurance contract specific to that vehicle.

You have the legal obligation to insure your car with third parties in the UK and in all the countries of the European Union.

Car insurance demonstrates its utility in an accident involving the insured vehicle. Indeed, this guarantee makes it possible to compensate the victims of damage caused by the vehicle.

You must always have your certificate of car insurance at hand to present it to the police in case of road control.

The insurance contract will very often be for the owner and driver of the vehicle. If, however, the policyholder is not the driver of the vehicle, the insurance must be notified.

Apart from the basic cover, the insurance may also make available to the subscriber various additional services.
Car insurance in the UK
No much difference…
It is mandatory to have insurance for your car in the UK. Sanctions are provided for those driving without insurance and in case of accident you may be subject to heavy financial and even criminal penalties. There are 3 types of car insurance available in the United Kingdom:
Third Party insurance
The third party insurance is the legal minimum required. It covers complaints about damage caused by your vehicle to other people or vehicles. The driver who caused damages is the third party.
Third Party, Fire & Theft (TPFT)
Third Party, Fire & Theft insurance is an extension of the third party one mentioned earlier and it covers the damage and losses caused by fire and theft.
Comprehensive insurance
A comprehensive coverage is one of the highest car insurance degrees you can opt for. It covers everything, from, damage to your own vehicle, accidents to medical expenses.
Car rental insurance
What type of car insurance do you need?
When renting a car, companies offer rates with the purchase of compulsory insurance to protect both you and the agency in the event of an accident. Some offer the subscription of insurance or optional guarantees. The customer has the option to purchase optional insurance, usually against the theft of the vehicle. For further information about rental insurances, you can visit drivy.co.uk and check their conditions as an example.
Car Insurance in the EU
What scope for your car insurance?
As a driver in a country of the European Union, when you purchase a car insurance, it usually covers the bodily injury caused to others by your vehicle in any country of the EU.

Third-party liability insurance covers people in the car; European legislation provides guarantees in the event of an accident.

Certain clauses of the insurance contracts (theft, fire …) are not systematically guaranteed abroad.

European legislation imposes minimum cover for any vehicle liability insurance contract in the European Union.